Monday, 14 November 2016

Bill Adongo

Sensitive Absorbance Theory states that the growing length of sensory(nervous) response to excitation is equal to sensory(nervous) response to agitation.  Billian Temperament format states that, human temperaments are delicate time in growing experiences, and is best in babies. Babies of age one to birth is the best state to determining primary temperaments before. To explain the Sensitive Absorbance Theory; what funny jokes have you ever laugh into a state, if like vomiting , groaning of stomach and crying with showers of teas?  Imaging these in babies: for what reason are you in funny behavior(or jokes), and that healthy intelligent babies or friend of yours laugh to groaning of stomach and you are still in the same joking or alternative joking for long time. Do you want this baby to burst(or have  internal bleeding), apart from immediate malfunction of brains or Heart Affective Disorder ? That delicate baby has no direction to say:  “Oh my stomach!”-as usual in grown ones. Many of these disorder has conflict of remembrance  in uncontrollable smiling(or laughing) and annoyance. They think outdoor-anger to indoor-associate and outdoor-laughing to indoor-associate.
Once again, Sensitive Absorbance Theory states that the growing length of sensory(nervous) response to excitation is equal (the same) to sensory(nervous) response to agitation, especially active people.


For what environmental influence did I Bill Adongo, took Tramadol. I am the same person in testing this theory before any. Mathematical important is in order of the Adongo's Point Values Interval Disorder. In clear meaning what is aversly related is taken Tramadol Capsule from one to just only three and experience it environmental influence in insulting, laughing, and hunger only in matching intervals. You will experience the same aversly relation of Sensitive Absorbance Law. All measurement is for medicine manufacturing, measurements and diagnostic prescription in practical just knowing taking pito and hot row-lipton in opposite enlargement or any-how us your experiment  example.

There is spiritual nature or nature disassociate of the one who has no settled. The example is most time of regular asking, “where do you come from”, and “who is your husband” of unreal family and woman to child  in ejection. Social Affective is most insolvent held quantitative under sensitive absorbancy meas